Welcome to my rantings about software development and whatever else I feel like.
Please note that even though said rantings may appear as advice, it's very possible that you should never take any of it very seriously. Anything you may encounter is not a reflection of my employer, friends, family, or otherwise any possible or potential reality.
- January 31, 2023 - Recovering from Errors in the State monad
- March 25, 2020 - Overriding Type Class Instances (Part 2)
- August 9, 2019 - Overriding Type Class Instances (Part 1)
- December 27, 2018 - Installing ghc-mod for newer GHC versions
- April 26, 2018 - Merging Case Classes with Monoid and Shapeless
- March 12, 2018 - Publishing to Maven Central with SBT
- August 12, 2016 - Intro to Scala Macros
- July 24, 2016 - Installing Guitar Pro on Linux
- July 7, 2016 - Converting Java collections to Scala collections from Java
- June 10, 2016 - Fixing Linux Wifi on an HP Stream laptop
- May 31, 2016 - Currying Type Parameters in Scala
- May 17, 2016 - Safe Scripting with PostgreSQL
- January 26, 2016 - PostgreSQL Indexes

About me
I'm the owner of Estatico Studios, LLC. I provide contract and consulting services writing Haskell, Scala, Python, (No)SQL, Bash, and whatever else it takes to program for the internet.
Check out some of my open source projects on GitHub.